Lending solutions that work for you
With an Embassy personal loan, here’s what you can expect:
- Fast approval, as our team are empowered to make their own lending decisions and don't need sign off from Head Office.
- Fair and honest interest rates - we're here to provide a helping hand, not put you under more pressure.
- Loan terms up to three years, matched to when you get paid.
- A low administration fee - we only charge what we need to.
- The very best care before, during and after you secure your loan.
- Our team are here to help. If you need payment flexibility later down the track, we'll do everything we can to accommodate you.
Life is for living. However you want to live it, we can help you.
Our team approves loan requests for all sorts of needs like:
- Weddings
- Holidays
- Renovations
- Setting up for a flat
- Setting up for a baby
- Big ticket items and more